Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Babalu - A Miami Cuban BLog

In order to fully comprehend the state of U.S. - Cuban relations, one must also pay attention to those voices that are opposed to the restoration of normal diplomatic relationships between the two nations.  Many Cubans living in the United States, particularly those older Cubans who came here in successive waves of migration, from Mariel to Pedro Pan to individual wet-foot/dry-foot landings, vehemently oppose restoration of diplomacy until the Castros and any vestiges of their regimes are gone and "democracy"returns to the island.

It's doubtful that there are any Cubans still alive who can remember when Cuba enjoyed real democracy, since Batista and his predecessors clearly never practiced that form of governance.

One place to hear the voices of the opposition is in one of the oldest blogs in English, called Babalu.  Include it in your reading for a view from the other side.

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